Asbestos Sampling & Testing

Trusted Asbestos Surveys

We are leading providers of UKAS-accredited asbestos sampling and testing services in London, Surrey, and the South East. When a full asbestos survey is not needed, and there is one or a couple of suspected areas, only sampling and testing will be required. Asbestos sampling and testing also form a key part of surveys.

Our asbestos surveyors can come and take samples and will minimise the risk of disturbing any asbestos before sampling. All samples are sent to a UKAS-accredited asbestos testing laboratory, where the type, extent, and condition of asbestos can be ascertained.

There are six main types of asbestos:

  • Chrysotile – white asbestos
  • Amosite – brown asbestos
  • Tremolite
  • Crocidolite – blue asbestos
  • Anthophyllite
  • Actinolite

Any domestic or commercial building built before 1999 may contain asbestos because it was widely used throughout construction for its strength, availability and resistance to heat and chemicals.

The fibres are too small to be seen with the naked eye, so the only way to know if a dwelling contains ACMs is through sampling and testing. It is essential that this is completed by professionals who know and understand all the risks associated with asbestos and have been trained to collect samples safely.

Fully approved

All asbestos samples are tested in a fully approved UKAS-accredited laboratory working to ISO-17025.

Fast response time

Our experienced asbestos surveyors can complete all asbestos sampling and testing quickly and get results back to you in 24 hours.


Our asbestos surveyors can provide practical advice and guidance.

Get an asbestos survey quote

What happens during asbestos testing?

Our asbestos surveyors work hard to ensure a smooth and seamless sampling and testing service. We will take a sample of the material that is suspected to be asbestos-containing and submit it to the laboratory for testing.

The sample will be inspected at the laboratory under a stereo microscope, and sub-samples may be taken for further examination. Fibres will be categorised depending on certain physical properties and morphology. The type of asbestos is recognised by sampling a few fibres that are mounted in a refractive index liquid to correspond with the most likely type of asbestos. These fibres can then be positively identified by examining their optical properties using polarised light microscopy.

The cost of sampling and testing is inexpensive, but we will need to factor in the time required for a surveyor to come and take the sample. We can provide a free and no-obligation quote at any time.

Asbestos testing results

Results from asbestos testing will confirm whether the make-up of the materials contains ACMs.

Our experienced asbestos consultants will speak with you about the results and the best options for you.

Our advice is impartial and helpful.

Find And Remove Asbestos Safely
Management Asbestos Survey

Asbestos Management Survey

Demolition Asbestos Survey London

Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Survey

Asbestos Inspector

Asbestos Re-Inspection Survey

Property Purchase Asbestos Survey

Asbestos Pre-Purchase Survey

Sampling Asbestos Surrey

Asbestos Sampling & Testing

Domestic Asbestos Survey Surrey

Domestic Asbestos Surveys

Commercial Asbestos Survey Specialists

Commercial Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos Reports Provided

Asbestos Reports

Icons 247

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Icons Response Time

Fast response time

Icons Days

Operating 7 days a week